Who has decided that men should look unshaven to be sexy? First of all what woman would want to kiss a man with whisker stubble on his face and get whisker burn! And it must itch! I'll bet the men are not all that comfortable. Where's their pride? (Harry is always clean shaved!) In earlier days we would have said an unshaven man looked like a slob not a great lover. OK, now that I've put that complaint into cyberspace, what do you think? Is this really romantic!
Back to the romance of our trip to Puerto Vallarta. In Michigan where we live, we had had cold and snow for what seemed like forever. We had left my house at 3:30 a.m. to catch the plane and were exhausted when we arrived. But by two in the afternoon we were lunching at our favorite table on the beach. And the weather was so balmy I couldn't believe it. Only once in all the years I have visited this attractive town has the temperature dipped. About three years ago the high was in the 60s and hardly anyone had brought a wrap. I always bring a couple extra layers with me where ever I go but the people in bathing suits were not happy. Fortunately on this vacation the weather continued to be sunny and fabulous throughout the 10 days we were there.
This trip we mostly just laid back, even treating ourselves to a luncheon cocktail. I learned to adore a mango daiquri and Harry preferred a mango margarita. While we decided to eat at the hotel the first couple of days, we finally got ourselves together to go to the River Cafe another charming restaurant in downtown P.V.

Then along the river banks and under the bridges you'll find booths with every kind of souvenir imaginable. There are some attractive things such as clothing, purses, etc, but there's a lot of junk as well. It's buyer beware! What fun.

After lunch we strolled toward the ocean where the city fathers have built a wonderful walkway along the water complete with local sculptures and more booths from which to buy. If you look closely you might find some interesting jewelry. Shortly after that we hailed a cab and went back to take a nap.
Well, I'm going to wind this post up for the day. I have lots more to tell you about our romantic trip to Puerto Vallarta but I'm running out of time. I need to get out and mow those darned dandelions which keep popping up. If you have any questions about this trip or romance in general please leave a comment at the end of this blog.

I'll be back soon. Gloria