Hi dear friends,
It is the New Year and I'm going to be blogging weekly again. Harry and I have just returned from Puerto Vallarta where we had a wonderful, romantic vacation. Harry, if you remember, is my other half. We met on the internet about five years ago. Actually we are on our sixth year in this romantic relationship. I've spent so much time driving back and forth to his house 100 miles away that I've had little time to blog. During my travels to Harry's, I've discovered many new friends plus several other couples who met on the internet. I'll bring their stories to you, probably on my other blog which you can link to from this one. On both blogs, I'll have lots more tips on romance, beauty, health, and romantic places to travel in the coming months.
While in PV, I went horseback riding with my dear friend Pamela Aguirre who owns Rancho el Charro. Here are the two of us, proving I can still get on a horse. (I'm the one in the hat.) Pam and I have been friends since I met her in the 1980s while I was writing a newsletter for a timeshare there. I wrote a story about her and her ranch in 1987 in my late magazine CHOICES. Yearly she and several other women go on a week long ride exploring some wonderful trails starting from Puerto Vallarta. One of these days I'll go with her and bring you our adventures. Bless Harry. He indulges me my pleasures and never complains. That certainly should be part of a successful and happy relationship. I give him the same freedom.
That's it for now. Next blog I'll have photos of Harry and me plus some fun and romantic places we went. Until then, have a super week. I must admit the weather was much better in PV!
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