For instance I have a wonderful story of a friend who spent her vacation in Thailand helping to take care of abused elephants.
Then there's our health which if it is good allows us to enjoy our romance more fully. I inadvertently was eating snacks loaded with MSG to which I am quite allergic. After I finally realized that I must be eating something that was making my body unwell, I started reading all ingredients lists more closely. To my dismay I discovered that I was

Then there's looking our best. When Harry (my internet romance) and I went to Jacksonville last year I accidentally signed up with Mary Kay cosmetics. I've always been interested in make up and because I am frequently in the public eye, I rarely go out with out gilding the lily so to speak! Anyway I have plans to tell you what I've learned about skin care and applying foundation, eyeshadow, etc with photos to illustrate each step. I also will show you how one of my Mary Kay friends has made herself look more glamorous. In the last catalog Mary Kay has brought back nail polish. I just love it! More on that as well.
And hopefully Harry and I will have more adventures to bring to you. A local artists group in his area is raising money to have one of his sculptures cast and placed on the Red Arrow Highway. I'll include his brochure in a future blog.

Well, there's lots more to come but my cat Snicklefritz is staring at me and switching his tail so I will go down and feed him.
I look forward to any of your comments and your ideas. I'll also be posting on my other blog with guidelines to better romance and questions about romance that I have been asked in the past few weeks.
Of course there are many guidelines in my book as well as places to find a new romance. After all I found Harry on the internet!
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