My major problem is finding the energy to do everything I want to do. In this blog I will explore health and give tips about what have helped me. I'm always looking for new make-up ideas and discus permanent eye liner which I absolutely love. As my photos are selling rather well, Harry (my honey) and I may plan a trip looking for new photo subjects for a new gallery show and I'll obviously keep you posted. The world can be your oyster if you try.
This is one of my favorite photos in my show of doorways and gateways in Mexico.

So let's begin! Find a pad or a spiral notebook in which to write your objectives. Is a new romance your major goal this year? How's your health? Do you like travel? Do you want to learn a new art or craft? What really is your heart's desire? Write your ideas down.
Let's discuss romance. What is it that you would like to find in your new friend with whom you would like to have a romance? In my case I wanted someone who liked cats. I had dated many men in the 23 years that I was a widow and they all were rather unexcited about cats - or other animals - all of which I love. Most thought I was an interesting date because I had been so many places and was a fairly well-known writer/photographer in the area. They liked to be with me because I knew so many people and almost always had a smile on my face. It's amazing how many people will respond to a warm smile. Oddly, I really had no description in my mind for my new romance. A friend of mine was widowed and she had a mental picture of how her date should look. Most emphatically the man had to have hair. I think that was because her late husband had been bald most of their married life. She was more interested in looks rather than fun. Sadly she refused dates because no one measured up to her expectations and she died alone.
I was looking for someone who, besides liking cats, enjoyed dining out and travel, was kind and who liked me. Unfortunately, sometimes some men really don't like women and I think the reverse is often true as well. We each want to be accepted for ourselves. Don't ever meet someone and then plan to make them over. It doesn't work. On the other hand, no one is perfect. I am certainly not. You can sometimes moderate a behavior, but people rarely change.
I was lucky.

Well, you have your assignment. Think about the person you would like to meet. Do you like horseback riding for instance? Do you prefer to stay home and read? Do you like yourself or what would you like to improve? How happy are you with your life or what would you like to change?
However, don't plan your whole future on meeting that perfect someone. Enjoy the journey on the romance road. You might find some fascinating people, places and activities along the way. Please let me know how you are doing. Leave me a comment at the bottom of this post.
There are wonderful adventures just waiting for us around the next corner.
Good luck! Your queen of romance, Gloria
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